Caberg Just Speak Easy Bluetooth Universal

Brand :
Model :
Just Speak Easy Bluetooth Universal
Micro SD :
Rod (Open Face/Modular)
Functions :
Hands-free kit

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Customer reviews

Overall rating Based on 1 review 3.0
Quality/Price ratio 4.0
100% of reviewers would recommend this to a friend Write a review
08 May, 2017 Verified buyer from Isle of Wight, Rides a Touring Motorcycle enthusiast
Product review: Caberg Just Speak There is a lot of options on the market. balancing price and reviews I took a punt with this, having seen my instructor a few years ago using one.I thought this would be a perfect match for my helmet, which was not the case my Carbeg Justissimo GT but some modification was needed. Battery life - good Sound - surperb Range - not quite as good as specified works well on android, although not mastered the auto answer.
Recommendation Yes, I would recommend this product to a friend.
Service review Quick and accurate discription and delivery
Overall rating 3
Quality/Price ratio 4

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